For eligible products, we offer free 14-day easy returns which must be in a saleable condition, and in original packaging. Before proceeding, please review our Free 14-Day Return Policy, or simply log in to your COSnet account to initiate a return. Follow the below steps:
- Sign into COSnet with your credentials
- Go to ‘My COSnet’ in the top right corner and click on ‘My Orders’ in the drop-down menu
- On this page you will see your ‘Current Orders’, ‘Repeat Orders’ & ‘Order History’
- Click on ‘Order History’ & scroll to find the products you want to return from your list
- Alternatively, you can search by ‘Order Number’ or ‘Reference’ then click the ‘Return’ button
- Step 1: Under ‘Return Qty’, input the amount you would like to return and click ‘Next’
- Step 2: From the drop-down menu choose a reason for a credit & click ‘Next’
- Step 3: Check your contact details are correct & click ‘Submit’
Important to Keep in Mind:
- Once Submitted this credit will go to our Credit Specialist to confirm and take action
- Returns are collected within 5 business days and your credit will be applied within 3 days of the items return, subject to Terms and Conditions.